Ethics & Social Responsibility


Cone Marshall Trustees (Italia) Srl adheres to the highest ethical and fiduciary standards in the industry.

Our due diligence process ensures that all services performed on behalf of our clients are of the highest standard, and that all information and data are verified as to accuracy and source. Our clients’ privacy and security is our primary objective, and we make sure that all information we are given by our clients and their advisors is treated with the utmost level of confidentiality.

We ensure that each client is in full compliance with international rules and regulations. We demand full due diligence, part of our culture which privileges personal, face-to-face meetings over arms-length communication. This approach ensures that we maintain strong relationships and are able to initiate prompt problem-solving. Additionally, we require that our clients take independent, verified advice in their country of residence when necessary.

Social Responsibility

Supporting those who are working to improve the world in a meaningful way is both a matter of ethics for us at the Cone Marshall Group and of the values that we strive to carry forward into the future. This is an important part of the Group’s identity, and to this end we donate funds, as well as our time, to community organisations in the jurisdictions where we do business.

We proudly presently support the following organisations: the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, Doctors Without Borders, Minds for Minds, the Foundation to Promote Education in Malawi, the Children’s hospital of Buenos Aires and the Foundation to develop and staff family hospitals in Laos.


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